The company report, financial statement if any, ownership structure, and certificate of incorporation reveal that LINH HUONG PRODUCTION TRADING COMPANY LIMITED, registered under Business ID (TIN) 3800238046, operates from Village 8, Long Hung Commune, Phu Rieng District, Binh Phuoc Province, Vietnam. Commencing operations on 09 Sep 2002, the company specializes in manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms, providing a wide array of products and services. With a charter capital of VND 300,000,000,000, LINH HUONG PRODUCTION TRADING COMPANY LIMITED is adequately funded to sustain its business activities. Strategic direction is overseen by HOANG T.H and TRAN T.A.N, who plays a pivotal role in shaping company policies.
To gain comprehensive insights into LINH HUONG PRODUCTION TRADING COMPANY LIMITED, Vietnam Business Information offers detailed business intelligence reports. Our suite of reports includes:
1. Basic Company Report of LINH HUONG PRODUCTION TRADING COMPANY LIMITED: Highlights core competencies, operational focus, and fundamental aspects.
2.Comprehensive Company Report of LINH HUONG PRODUCTION TRADING COMPANY LIMITED: Provides in-depth analysis, featuring credit reports, financial statement if any, essential business information, and industry trends.
Our expert analysts deliver valuable insights into LINH HUONG PRODUCTION TRADING COMPANY LIMITED's market potential and future prospects. The report also includes detailed profiles of key business leaders, offering a holistic view of the company's management structure and leadership dynamics. Whether you're an investor, commercial partner, or competitor, our data-driven analysis empowers informed decision-making in today's competitive business environment.