Industry code Name
01 Agriculture and related service activities
011 Growing of annual crops
0111 Growing of rice
0112 Growing of maize and other cereals
0113 Growing of starchy root and tuber crops
0114 Growing of sugar cane
0115 Growing of tobacco and aztec tobacco
0116 Growing of fibre crops
0117 Growing of oilseed crops
0118 Growing of vegetables, leguminous crops and flowers
0119 Growing of other annual crops
012 Growing of perennial crops
0121 Growing of fruits
0122 Growing of oleaginous fruits
0123 Growing of cashew trees
0124 Growing of pepper trees
0125 Growing of rubber trees
0126 Growing of coffee trees
0127 Growing of tea trees
0128 Growing of perennial spices, pharmaceutical and aromatic crops
0129 Growing of other perennial crops
013 Propagation and growing of agricultural cultivars
0131 Annual plant seedling propagation and care
0132 Perennial plant seedling propagation and care
014 Animal production
0141 Raising of buffaloes and cows and breeding of buffaloes and cows
0142 Raising of horses, donkeys and mules and breeding of horses and donkeys
0144 Raising of goats and sheep and breeding of goats, sheep, deers and sambar deers
0145 Raising of pigs and breeding of pigs
0146 Raising of poultry
0149 Raising of other animals
015 Mixed crop-livestock farming
0150 Mixed crop-livestock farming
016 Support activities to agriculture
0161 Support activities for crop production
0162 Support activities for animal production
0163 Post-harvest crop activities
0164 Seed processing for propagation
017 Hunting, trapping and related service activities
0170 Hunting, trapping and related service activities
02 Forestry and related service activities
021 Silviculture and other forestry activities and propagation of forest trees
0210 Silviculture and other forestry activities and propagation of forest trees
022 Wood logging
0220 Wood logging
023 Extraction and gathering of non-wood forest products
0231 Extraction of non-wood forest products
0232 Gathering of non-wood forest products
024 Support services to forestry
0240 Support services to forestry