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The world is facing an unprecedented confluence of crises—including climate change, inflation, conflict, and food insecurity—with develop- ing countries hardest hit....

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The World Bank works closely with countries, the private sector, civil society, and other multilateral institutions to confront these challenges and find lasting development solutions. Through our Global Crisis Response Framework, the World Bank has been responding at unprecedented levels to the converging crises, approving 322 operations in more than 90 countries for a total of $72.8 billion in fiscal 2023. This includes $38.6 billion from IBRD. Under the first year of IDA20, IDA committed $34.2 billion for the poorest countries; to help these countries address the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, we front-loaded financial resources in fiscal 2023, building on the momentum from fiscal 2022. Our total climate finance amounted to a record high of $29.4 billion, or 40 percent of total IBRD and IDA finance in fiscal 2023. Through our Coun try Climate and Development Reports, we also advise governments on policy actions to adapt to and mitigate the worst climate impacts. As outlined in our most recent Climate Change Action Plan, all new World Bank financing operations are fully aligned with the Paris Agreement goals beginning July 1, 2023, And drawing on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, we are working with partners to ensure that countries are better prepared for future disease outbreaks through stronger health ­ systems and better access to financing.


- Message from the President

- Message from the Executive Directors

- Addressing a Multitude of Global Challenges

- Regional Engagements

-Working to Achieve Development Goals

-Promoting Sustainable Finance and Capital Markets

-Engaging with Partners on Shared Priorities

- Enhancing Effectiveness and Sustainability in Our Operations

-Our Values, People, and Places

-The World Bank’s Climate-Related Disclosures

-Guiding the Institution

-Providing Oversight and Accountability

-Deploying Resources Strategically

-Commitment to Results


Table 1:  IBRD Key Financial Indicators, Fiscal 2019–23

Table 2: IDA Key Financial Indicators, Fiscal 2019–23

Different countries and regions are listed.