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Top 5 packaged food manufacturers in Vietnam

Top 5 packaged food manufacturers in Vietnam
The Vietnamese packaged food industry stands as a testament to the country's economic vitality and culinary tradition. In 2023, this sector saw substantial growth, driven by rising consumer demand for convenience without sacrificing quality.

Here, we, Vietnam Business Information, spotlight the top five packaged food manufacturers that have set the benchmark in innovation, revenue, and market presence.

1. Masan Consumer Holdings (Masan Group)

top 5 packaged food manufacturers in Vietnam Masan

Masan Consumer Holdings, a powerhouse under the Masan Group, reigns supreme in Vietnam's fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) landscape. With a staggering revenue of approximately 29.066 billion VND in 2023, Masan’s financial performance underscores its market dominance​.

Key to Masan’s success is its robust portfolio, featuring household names such as Chin-su, Nam Ngư, and Omachi. The company’s relentless pursuit of innovation, coupled with strategic acquisitions, has fortified its market position. Masan’s WIN membership program exemplifies its innovative approach, enhancing consumer engagement and loyalty through digital integration and personalized experiences.

2. Acecook Vietnam

top 5 packaged food manufacturers in Vietnam Acecook

Acecook Vietnam, synonymous with instant noodles in Vietnam, continues to thrive with a reported revenue of around 10,000 billion VND in 2023. Founded in 1993, Acecook has cemented its status as a staple in Vietnamese households with its iconic Hao Hao noodles.

The company's success lies in its consistent quality, affordability, and innovative product development. Acecook’s ability to adapt to changing consumer preferences while maintaining the essence of its traditional flavors has been instrumental in its sustained growth.

3. Vietnam Food Industries Joint Stock Company (Vifon)

top 5 packaged food manufacturers in Vietnam Vifon

Vifon, established in 1963, is a veteran in the Vietnamese food industry. Known for its extensive range of instant noodles, spices, and canned foods, Vifon achieved a revenue of about 1,000 billion VND in 2023​.

Vifon’s longstanding reputation is built on its commitment to quality and authentic flavors. The company’s products are well-regarded both domestically and internationally, reinforcing its legacy and market stability.

4. Colusa – Miliket Foodstuff Joint Stock Company

top 5 packaged food manufacturers in Vietnam Colusa Miliket

Colusa – Miliket, established in 1975, is an iconic name in Vietnam, best known for its distinctive “two shrimp” logo instant noodles. In 2023, the company reported a revenue of approximately 700 billion VND​​.

Despite being smaller in scale, Colusa – Miliket has a unique market position, catering to a nostalgic consumer base that values traditional Vietnamese flavors. The company’s emphasis on quality and heritage continues to endear it to loyal customers.

5. Asia Food Technology Joint Stock Company (Micoem)

top 5 packaged food manufacturers in Vietnam Micoem

Micoem, founded in 2001, represents the new wave of innovation in Vietnam’s packaged food sector. While specific revenue details for 2023 are not widely available, Micoem is recognized for its high-quality instant noodles and other packaged foods.

Micoem’s growth strategy focuses on leveraging state-of-the-art manufacturing processes and responding dynamically to consumer trends. This approach has gradually increased its market presence, making it a notable competitor in the industry.

Vietnam's packaged food industry is a dynamic and competitive field, with long-established giants and innovative newcomers shaping its landscape. Leading the charge, Masan Consumer Holdings and Acecook Vietnam dominate with their extensive product ranges and robust financial performances. Meanwhile, stalwarts like Vifon and Colusa – Miliket maintain their positions through a steadfast commitment to quality and tradition. Emerging players like Micoem add a fresh dimension to the market with their innovative approaches. Collectively, these companies highlight the vibrancy and potential of Vietnam's packaged food sector, promising continued growth and consumer satisfaction in the years to come.

This article is part of the top-companies-in-Vietnam series by Vietnam Business Information, providing comprehensive insights into the leading businesses and market trends shaping the Vietnamese economy. With a commitment to excellence, we strive to deliver the knowledge you need to succeed in a competitive market.

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